Common Boiler Problems in the Winter

Every homeowner dreads their boiler failing. During the winter months especially, we need the heat and hot water our boiler provides more than ever. They say knowledge is power, however, so we’ve put together a guide on the most common boiler problems that occur in the colder months, and how best to deal with them.

At Bog Standard Plumbing and Heating we’re experts in every type of boiler repair, so if your boiler is giving you hassle then we can help. Serving homeowners and landlords across Dudley, Stourbridge and Wolverhampton, we’ll work to identify the problem and quickly repair your boiler. Just give us a call on 0330 113 2248 or email to find out more.

Pipe problems

Frozen pipes in winter are one of the most common issues facing homes. The condensation pipe, which runs at the back of many boilers is at high risk of freezing when temperatures really drop. It is easy to resolve yourself by pouring warm water - make sure it’s not hot! - over the pipe until it thaws out and your boiler can work again.

To help prevent your pipes from freezing it can be helpful to keep the heating on throughout winter. When you’re not using it, you can set the thermostat to 14 degrees, so if the temperature drops below this point your thermostat will kick in and stop the pipes getting too cold. 

Thermostat causing trouble 

If your thermostat is faulty it won’t communicate the message that your radiators need heating and they’ll remain cold, even if your boiler is working. Parts in the thermostat do wear out over time, so it may need replacing. A Gas Safe registered engineer can investigate why your radiators aren’t heating, and supply a replacement thermostat if needed. 

Pilot light misbehaving

Pilot lights can switch off for a number of reasons, although one of these is to protect you against a build-up of gas. If this is the issue, it can obviously be very dangerous, so get your boiler checked by a Gas Safe registered engineer before trying to switch it back on.  

Contact us for boiler repairs in Dudley, Wolverhampton or Stourbridge

At Bog Standard Plumbing and Heating, we rescue homeowners every day with our expert boiler repair service. So if you’re local to Dudley, Wolverhampton or Stourbridge and need a boiler repair, simply get in touch. We can be contacted by telephone on 0330 113 2248, by email at or here on our website, via our contact form